
March 13, 2013

The "Move"... in my last post I had mentioned a "move", well here it is. We now have a new site up, we are now working at "".  We are starting anew, you will find a few posts already up about us, our history and such, as well as how we are different from your traditional florist. Hitch a ride on over and see what's planning!

March 8, 2013

Missing Images...

If you haven't noticed by now, we have images missing from our posts. Replacing them or reinserting them is extremely taxing and difficult to remember which pictures went to what posts. Because of this I am going to delete the error boxes out. Then I will try and reinsert pictures as best as possible soon.

Sorry for the inconvenience this has caused any of you!!! I will have another post coming soon about an internet move we are making...I hope you are having lovely wedding planning experience in the meantime and cannot wait to get blogging again!