That is the question...
...when choosing a bouquet a lot of Brides choose a bouquet style and flowers based on aesthetics. One should consider the options of both hand tied and bouquet holder styles before setting there hearts on a specific style bouquet.
ohhh, the choices...Hand Tied or Holder?
A hand tied bouquet can look BEAUTIFUL if created with the right flowers. Flowers that have a somewhat longer vase life (carnations, some roses, mums, etc) versus flowers like hydrangeas which LOVE water, are more approrpiate for a hand tied. Choosing a flower that likes a LOT of water and putting it in a hand tied bouquet can possibly lead to a wilted bouquet before the end of the night.
If your heart is TRULY set on a hand tied AND water-loving flowers there are a few things you can do. First, DO NOT completely wrap your stems. If you MUST have them that way, ask florist to wait until the last possible moment! Leave at least an inch or so of exposed stems for them to stay hydrated (the more the better for flowers like hydrangeas).
Second, use a Bravo Hand Tied Holder (see below) and wrap the holder part. This will give the advantages of wet foam yet the look of hand tied.
And third, use a Straight Handled Bouquet Holder (see below) and have leftover stems attached to handle of holder. With a Straight Handled Bouquet Holder you have the advantages of wet foam, yet a daintier hand tied appearance. Also less wrapped area of the stem of the bouquet versus the appearance of the Bravo Hand Tied Holder.
A bouquet holder can be equally as GORGEOUS as a hand tied. You can have the stem of the holder left plain (decorative bouquet holders are an option), completely wrapped, or as mentioned above have leftover stems "wrapping" it. A bouquet holder has a cage around the foam requiring delicate fingers to insert the fresh flowers. Sometimes this can make them harder to execute, but the BEAUTY of your bouquet is worth the extra work!
Besides the basic wet foam bouquet holders listed above you can ask for...
Decorative Holders,
Flat Round Holders
or Flat Square Holders.
Before making a final decision on your bouquet take into consideration your likes and how you want to HOLD them!
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